I got to meet the founding fathers of ASHI while in Orlando at ASHI’s Inspection World. It was a meet and greet before classes started on Monday morning. Truly an incredible experience. Wonderful gentlemen who got the ball rolling for all of us home inspectors back in the 60-70,s. They have my total respect.
We were treated to the presentation of “Early Days of ASHI” Three of ASHI’s original members, Ron Passaro (ASHI member #1), John Heyn (#5), and Norman Becker P.E. (#7) took us back to the time when a “society for home inspectors” was just an idea. We heard terrific stories of how ASHI was created. Learned about the dedicated people who created the ASHI SOP and Code of Ethics. This was a can’t miss for me.
One gentleman had his original cardstock flyer advertising his inspection services, $39…. My, AJ’s and Barry’s Teacher / Inspection Guru / Mentor was also there (Steve Gladstone).